A. Identify the types of conflicts and explain why.
Identifica los tipos de conflictos y explique porque.

1. Jessica feels like she is not pretty. In her school some students make fun of her and push her around. To make matters worse she is always arguing with her older sister.

2. During a rainstorm Juan has no light. His generator doesn't wants to work and he has a project to do.

3. At home, Craig doesn't feel accepted. His parents want him to be a doctor, but he wants to be a musician. Craig has serious doubts if he will ever make his dreams come true.

4. Captain Amanda and her crew are out at sea. The ship is without gas and the crew wants Amanda to do something about the situation.

Hay más de un tipo de conflicto por situación. Es para entregar como asignación para el 12 de febrero de 2018. Gracias


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